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United States Mission to the United Nations

UK Statement the situation in Eastern DRC

25/01/2025. M23/ Rwanda, Uganda in North Kivu Minova. are conducting forced recruitment of civilians, including children...

25/01/2025. M23/ Rwanda, Uganda in complicity with the DRC government, a Government of occupation that was made from both Rwanda and Uganda via a deal that compromised the integrity of the DRC territory. They are killing and traumatizing the Congolese people in Kalehe, East DRC. These aggressors are Commuting serious human rights violations.

18/01/2025. M23/Rwanda, Uganda created rebels advance towards Minova and Bwerema, their destination passes through the village of Kalehe, Kabamba, and Katana. Their ultimate goal is to seize control of the kavumu airport. The ongoing conflict in the region has led to a state of instability and uncertainty for the local population. Paul Kagame, of Rwanda, and his close ally from Uganda, President Museveni, have masterfully orchestrated their strategies in alliance with the current administration in Kinshasa, ensuring that the Congolese remains ensnared in a state of distraction and incapable of mounting a resistance against their Machiavelli plans. See bellow 2 Videos

17/01/2025. A group of Congolese nationals are forcefully removed from their ancestral lands by the neighbouring country of Rwanda and Uganda resulting in the creation of rebel factions in the region. The lands in question are known to be abundant in natural resources, such as Coltan, Cassiterite , tin, Gold... further complicating the already tense situation.


20/01/2025. The government of Tshisekedi in the Democratic Republic of Congo poses a significant threat to the stability and security of the DRC's people. His collaboration with external aggressors, Rwanda, Uganda has been also brought to light by the self defence and some members of the Congolese Army. They strive to push back against the incursion of the Rwandan Army into the DRC's territory of North and East Kivu. However, their valiant efforts are hampered by lack of support from the government that should be protecting its people. To be noted, while chaos ensues in his Country , Tshisekedi finds himself amidst the delegates at the 55th World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland from 20 to 25.2025

M23 Militia kill over 300 people in Northern Kivu

In the troubled region of North Kivu, the notorious militant group known as M23 has left a trail of devastation, claiming the lives of over 300 innocent civilians. Despite the harrowing death toll, surprisingly, no decisive action has been taken against this ruthless terrorist organization. The baffling inaction of authorities only serves to embolden these merciless killers, leaving the local population living in fear and uncertainty. The lack of repercussions for their heinous crimes only further fuels the cycle of violence and chaos in the region, as the perpetrators continue to roam free, unchecked and unpunished. The complexity and severity of the situation demands urgent attention and intervention, yet the deafening silence from those in power is both troubling and deeply concerning.

What is going on in the Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, Lebanon is also happening in the Democratic Rep of Congo, DRC where innocent Congolese are dying under Paul Kagame and Museveni tyranny but no one is talking about. Is there a hidden Agenda against the people of DRC?

Burials in Northern Kivu

In the captivating footages presented before us, we witness a solemn ceremony unfolding, where dignitaries converge to mourn the tragic loss of lives due to the brutal M23 atrocities in North Kivu, DRC. However, in a disheartening turn of events, ( See  next videos)  we observe as the officials depart, leaving the burden of burying the victims upon the shoulders of the local community, comprised of men, women, and children.  The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country under occupation. This is because it is under the authority of enemy armies, their militias as well as mercenaries in the government who commit war crimes. The security issues in eastern DRC cannot be resolved by the authors of these historic crimes.

People in the east of DRC do not believe that Felix Tshisekedi is legitimate President of DRC. The message was clear and powerful, a call to action against the perceived threats to their beloved nation...

Tshisekedi's allegiance has been brought into question, with accusations of working for both Kagame and Museveni in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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